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How we are organised

IThe “Ellon and District Men’s Shed” is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC044586) established in October 2013.  Siginificant fund raising preceded the major conversion of a former recycling building adjacent to the Aberdeenshire Council site on Hopsital Road.  The converted Shed was formally opened in June 2017.   Pictures of the building before and during the conversion are shown in the ‘Building Conversion Gallery’.

The purpose of the Shed is to provide recreational facilities to advance the social needs, health and well-being of men of all ages and backgrounds living in Ellon and surrounding areas.

Shed membership is free and open to any man aged 18 or over who is currently resident in Ellon or surrounding area.

The Shed is run by a Board of Trustees, who are all volunteers, of between 3 and 12 people.  There are four officers of the Board: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Trustees are guided by the Constitution and Business Plan.  Key aspects of the Shed operation (gardening, HSE, workshop, maintenance) and a work group looking at options for increasing the Shed’s work space are overseen by Trustee members as listed below.

The current Trustees of the Shed are:

  • Andy Leonard – Chairman and Treasurer
  • Ian Elder – Secretary
  • Jim hardy
  • Sandy Burnett
  • Colin Gibb 
  • Allan Forest
  • Dave Foster
  • Ronnie Gair
  • Duncan MacRae